New Moon Cancer + Resources

Happy New Moon! This particular new moon is in the sign of Cancer, the archetypal Mother of the zodiac. For those of you who are just reconnecting to lunar awareness or integrating moon cycles and/or rituals into your life, a new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle and is an opportunity to reflect and connect. Many spiritual practices will do rituals or altar work on a new moon. This could be staying with the unknown by planting a seed of awareness that will come to light around the full moon. Or this could be bigger, like calling in a major shift. Manifestations

What makes this particular new moon special has to do with some other planets, Jupiter and Venus in particular, AND a lesser know conversation around a lunar point in the sky known as Black Moon Lilith and an asteroid Vesta. This particular constellation of energies is an opportunity unlike any other we will see in the foreseeable future of 2022. It is an opportunity to manifest change around how we relate to the divine feminine and the archetypal mother. What we will not stand for and what we want to manifest into being. Destruction always brings opportunity for Creation.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling the rage of 1000 suns and the tears of 1 million oceans over yet another attack on our human rights. Yes, for women, and in particular, our non binary, trans, black, indigenous, people of color who birth humans. This recent attack impacts much more than access to abortion. So what can we do?

Well I am definitely not here to tell anyone how to live, but I am here to share resources and opportunities to anyone feeling like they could use a little encouragement or support navigating these tides of emotion.

Here are some resources for the ever turning tides:

Spiritual Aids

  • Tend to this new moon in a way that feels authentic to you. Consider making an altar that is dedicated to the unknown, the womb, creation, birth justice, to your ancestral mothers, or literally to your mother.

  • You can also consider a good cry. Offering up your sacred tears or put out bowls of salt water to honor the tears of the world.

  • If you are feeling anger/rage, burn something and speak to the fire to help transform what you feel into insights.

Side note: Curious about lunar phases and timing? The new moon is exact this evening (6/28) at 7:53 pacific and 10:53pm eastern time. Anytime between then and another 24-36 hours is a great time to do new moon work. Same with the full moon. No need to be “on time”. It’s more about being in a window of energetic amplification.

Body Wisdom Resources

  • Finding a moment to breathe or move can be the most immediate reset after overwhelm.

    • Breathing deep down into the belly is essential. Aim to take as many breaths as possible to get the belly involved then add a few more.

    • If you have access to some time in nature, a good walk can go a long way for your full system. A patch of Earth is more than enough if a walk isn’t available. Stand barefoot for 2 minutes. Don’t forget to breathe.

  • Bilateral exercises are also a bonus. Pass a stress ball between your hands taking a moment to squeeze before each pass. Squeeze, pass, squeeze pass. Or try this breath circle drawing exercise.

Community Resources

  • Check out the updated resources section for national orgs who are working within the margins of the dominant experience and attending to the long vision of life past Roe.

  • I have also put together a Collective Grief group series for the Kalamazoo community starting in July

As with any offer, take what is useful, leave the rest. I welcome any resources that folx want to add. Sending you all gratitude for the work you do to make this world a more connective collective. So much love. x Jill

For more altar suggestions